Sunday, August 5, 2012

Time Traveler's Brunch


On Sunday, we wrapped up our little retreat with a costumed brunch at the hotel.  The theme was really open-ended so that we could explore any historical era of costume, or futuristic or steampunk or whatever.  And while I love dressing in themed groups with other costumers, sometimes I really enjoy totally random gatherings too... and boy, were we random!  LOL!  It is so much fun to see what people come up with when the sky is the limit, and we can wear anything that we want. A Hollywood Roman? Dr. Who? A Victorian zombie? An 18th c. Dutch butter-churner? A sci-fi soldier? A Baroque beauty with dreads? Heck yeah! Bring it all on!

(photo by Cynthia and Christopher)

We had some time to socialize before going into the restaurant, and it was lots of fun to take pictures around the hotel lobby both before and after the breakfast.  The food was yummy, the company was delightful, and it was really nice to have a laid back event that required so little planning and work on our part.  It was the perfect way to wrap up our weekend.

(photo by Cynthia and Christopher)








My full set of photos from the weekend can be found on flickr, and I'll be back to post more about my own new costumes sometime during the week.

If you live anywhere close to the DFW area, we hope to see you in 2013 at our next Costumer's Lost Weekend!

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