Tuesday, July 24, 2012

shoe make-over

My new black chemise dress is pretty simple, so I wanted something more over-the-top for the accessories. I bought these vintage shoes on Etsy earlier this year, and while they were already a fairly decent faux-18th c. style, I thought they could still look better. So I found an example of some buckle-less late 18th c. shoes and used this as my design inspiration. I cut off the bow and the fake tongue piece on my shoes and then box pleated some ribbon to cover the modern looking gimp trim. Then I just added my own satin bows to match the new ribbon trim and they were done!  Although they are still way more theatrical than authentic, I think they look a little less 1980's-ish this way. I could probably press the box pleats to make the trim look a little more like the inspiration shoes, but I kind of like them being a bit silly and frilly.   Plus, they remind me of some of the fabulous shoes from the movie Marie Antoinette.


  1. Great refashioning! They were good to begin with, and now even better :-)

  2. So cute! And now I want to watch Marie Antoinette!

  3. These are beautiful! And what a lucky find of the shoes to start out with. I think they look perfect.

  4. Wow! They are the cutest thing ever!

  5. You are so talented. No matter what you make, it is always beautiful and complete.
