Tuesday, January 14, 2014

for the love of big hair!

So you guys all know Kendra, right?  Kendra, who makes the world's most epically awesome 18th c. costumes and wigs.  Kendra, who has been teaching us ALL how to make fabulous costumes since the dark ages of the internet by sharing her incredible wealth of knowledge on the Demode website.  Kendra, who is one of the most knowledgeable 18th costume historians that I have ever met and is also an amazing researcher, writer, and teacher.

Yeah, THAT Kendra!

Well, my dear friend Kendra has written a book called 18th c. Hair and Wig Styling, am I am absolutely giddy with excitement about it.  I was lucky enough to be able to attend her class on 18th c. hair at Costume College last summer where I got a little preview of the research that is going into the book, and it totally knocked my socks off.  I think we are all familiar with the basic "poof" and the "hedgehog" (which BTW, isn't really what we think it is!), but she goes so much further than that and explores more unique styles, tells us exactly what is happening on the backside of these 'dos (again - blew my mind!), and maps the evolution of hair throughout the century and across the continents in a way that was so clear and easy to understand.  But not only does she share this type of top-notch historical research in her new book, but she also teaches us how to make 25 different hairstyles using modern materials to replicate these looks.  I have been drooling over Kendra's wigs for years now, and I can't wait to learn exactly how they are made so I can try one myself.

Pre-sales for this book are going on this month, and she is doing well, but still has a ways to go to meet her funding goal.  If you love big hair, the 18th century, excellent research, and helpful tutorials, you NEED this book!  Please hurry and buy yourself a copy now so that she has the funds to print a ton of these books and the confidence to write more in the future.  Even if you can't afford the book right now, you can still donate $10 or $20 to help her with printing costs, and then you can pay the remaining price later and still get the book at the discounted price.  Think of it like a layaway plan that benefits both you AND the writer!

Kendra is one of the most generous and amazing costumers that I have ever met, and if there is any way that you can support her project either by buying a book, making a donation, or buying one of her extra fundraising options on Indegogo, please do so.  It is such a worthy cause, and I know that you are going to love what you get in return!


ZipZip said...

100% agreement. While I've never met Kendra, have followed her site since, well, maybe 2006?? Was super happy to support her high-quality work by ordering a book.

Very best,


anushiya said...

Regardless of whether you can't manage the cost of the book at the present time, you can in any case give $10 or $20 to assist her with printing expenses, and afterward you can address the excess cost later despite everything get the book at the limited cost. Think about it like a loan plan that benefits both you AND the essayist!

Kendra is perhaps of the most liberal and astounding costumer that I have at any point met, and assuming that there is a way that you can uphold her venture either by purchasing a book, making a gift, or getting one of her extra gathering pledges choices on Indegogo, kindly do as such. It is a particularly noble purpose, and I realize that you will cherish what you receive consequently! charlottesville traffic lawyer

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