On Saturday during the day, we had a series of 7 classes covering a range of topics on historical and fantasy costuming. Unfortunately, I had to miss several of the classes during the day so I could work on some last minute preparations for the party that night, but the classes that I did attend were great! Two of my favorites were taught by my friend Ginger from the blog Scene in the Past. She explored the topics of working with vintage patterns and Civil War costuming. I picked up some great ideas from both of these classes, and the vintage pattern class especially got me in the mood to work on some new retro frocks.
I also taught a class on big Edwardian hair, and it was a blast to teach! I talked about the range of hairpieces that were available in the period, how to make your own hairpieces with modern materials, and then I attempted to style 4 different Edwardian 'dos on some brave volunteers from the audience. I learned two main things from this experience: 1) I talk A LOT and need more than an hour for a class, and 2) styling hair without lots of hairspray and teasing is very very hard! LOL!

After the classes were over, we broke for a 3 hour dinner break, and I was amazed by how many people stuck around to help set up the room for the party that night. We have such wonderful folks in our guild! After our flash mob decorating, we then started getting dressed for the evening and had a fun little pizza party back in the hotel room. I think my favorite part of the whole weekend was getting to make some new friends and getting to know some old friends even better, so I especially enjoyed the moments like this where we could just relax and be silly and have fun together.
To be continued...
It's not that you talked a lot -- you were also answering a *lot* of questions people had. It was a very helpful class even for other eras. I really think you could spend a whole weekend covering hair and hairpieces. I think it may be one of the harder parts of costuming.
Could you please do a blog post on hairpieces? I, with my flimsy Scandinavian hair need all the help I can get to make my hair interesting ;)
Do I spy a Jane Austin zombie?
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